
Dubbo Regional Council – Brisbane Street, Dubbo (Devils Hole Reserve) – Design and Construction of GPT – DSTORM GPT

In 2020 Optimal Stormwater won the tender to design and construct three (3) GPTs for Dubbo Regional Council. Total tender value for design and construction of the three GPTs – just over $1.1M. The second site was at Devils Hole Reserve, Dubbo with an 88 ha catchment on a very flat 600mm pipe discharging to the Macquarie River. After having studied the catchment characteristics, pollution load and hydraulic site constraints, Optimal Stormwater was then able to allocate the best suited GPT to perform the job and this suited the DSTORM GPT by Durham which is a modular trashrack GPT with full height offline screens, large pollution storage volume and Optimal Stormwater custom added a floating boom. Council was courageous in choosing this GPT option.