
Canterbury Bankstown Council Montgomery Avenue Graduated Trashrack

Canterbury Bankstown Council has been a leader in the management of stormwater and operate over 70 GPTs and other devices. Older technologies installed decades ago are being upgraded and over 2018- 2019 Optimal Stormwater assisted with the design and construction of the Montgomery Avenue GPT upgrade.
The site drains a large urban catchment and a robust design was needed to withstand flooding whilst proving the environmental protection. Optimal’s graduated trashracks (GTR) are a proven technology with over 50 installations throughout Australasia.  The racks provide needed screening of pollutants and high flow bypass for excess stormwater.

Concrete driveways for tipper access, rock armouring the apron and creek, planting and turf provided an integrated landscape for the community. The new GTR is being monitored and is now screening many tonnes of debris, litter and sediment from stormwater providing a vital service for the environment and community