GPTs, Trashracks, WSUD, Stormwater Harvesting
We are focused on providing the best value and environmental and sustainable outcome. We understand operational costs can exceed capital costs for stormwater infrastructure so will seek to provide options allow customer choice and empower them in the decision making process.
We have long standing relationships with all supplies of proprietary stormwater water quality products and will utilise the best suited product for each project. We also have excellent relationships with several subcontractors for fabricators, excavation, shoring, material suppliers meaning strong supply chain, great service and prices.
Comprehensive construction methodology, shoring design, pipeline and hydraulic specification, utility protect plans, flow management plans, safe work methods statement, site induction, environmental management plans and community consultation are standard features of our construction projects.
Optimal will provide ongoing support post construction including auditing performance of GPTs and trashracks and operation and maintenance of stormwater harvesting projects.